How we are celebrating the Holidays
As we prepare to enter a holiday season like none before, I wanted to share with you how we will keep the spirit. Rest assured, even though we won't be able to have our traditional family gatherings, we're planning for ways to continue to celebrate with our residents. Here's some of what we have planned so far.
Christmas Party:
Always popular with our residents, we’re excited to have Santa making a special visit to our communities this year. Although he’ll be using social distancing so there will be no close contact with our residents, he’s sure to add to the festivities. Residents will enjoy other holiday celebrations, including Christmas cookies, hot cocoa, and presents from all of us.
Regrettably, families will be unable to attend this year’s Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas party, but we promise to take lots of photos to share with each and every one of you.
Staff Gifts:
Our Annual Staff Christmas Party will be held during our various shifts throughout the day. While it’s not our usual staff and family party rest assured, we will continue the tradition of rewarding our staff members for their hard work and for keeping our residents safe during this pandemic. 100% of Cash contributions will go directly to our staff.
As always, we ask that you do not give individual staff money directly, this is a violation of their employment and we want to make sure all staff are rewarded for their hard work, including staff you may not see on our evening or night shifts. If you would like to contribute to support our staff please contact us for more information.
We thank you for your continued support. It’s been a challenging year for all of us with the new normal of COVID-19, our staff, management, and owners all appreciate everything that you do for our community.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any comments, questions, or concerns. God Bless.
Jason Reyes | Calson Management, LLC