How to start the conversation with your loved one about senior care

Transition is hard, at any stage of life. So, when you start considering long-term care for your loved ones, there are going to be a lot of layers to the conversation. While it may not be easy to bring up the fact that your loved ones are coming to the stage in life where they may not be able to care for themselves, it’s reality. But how you approach the topic of senior living can help remove the anxiety and make it easier for everyone involved. Here are four tips on how to have a healthy discussion about long term care:


Before you start any discussion, it’s vital to research the different types of senior care so you know your options. Assisted living, memory care, and nursing homes all offer different variations of care and independence. Consider your loved one’s needs and what you want them to gain from the experience. Also, assess your financial situation and how it aligns with the cost of care, as it can vary greatly depending on location, type of care, and services needed.

Lead the discussion 

If at all possible, this is one talk to have in person. Use observations to guide the discussion into one about care. Create a list of concerns for your aging loved one. Does your loved one have dementia? Mention safety concerns and site specific examples to help make your case. Talk about what care is available and how it can benefit their daily life. Keep it positive and make sure to avoid bombarding them with too much all at once. Plan to have more than one conversation. This is a big change and talking is part of the process.

Offer choices

Making your aging loved one part of the conversation will help them feel like they are also part of the decision making and it is their choice to transition into senior care. Ask where they want to live, do they want to be close to family, what are their preferences for visitation? Get them involved by taking virtual tours together to see some of your top options. This is a major life decision and the first step into a new adventure unlike anything they have done before, so it’s important they feel you are partners in coming up with a plan.


Perhaps the most important thing to remember is to listen to your loved one about how they feel. What are their worries, what are they excited about, what do they want from the experience? By truly listening to their concerns and what they want, you can keep the discussion positive and focus on the excitement of a big move by emphasizing all the things they can look forward to on this new journey. It will also help you understand their expectations and improve your ability to find the best community to fit their needs. 

Starting a discussion about the benefits of senior care communities and what they have to offer is a great first step. While it can be difficult to introduce the subject with a loved one, by taking the time to research, staying positive, offering options, and really listening, you can move toward a better quality of life that will benefit you both.

For more information on senior care or to tour one of our communities, contact us


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