Calson Community Spotlight: Cornerstone Assisted Living

Our very first community, Cornerstone Assisted Living, was established in 2013 to provide luxurious assisted living apartments where more active senior residents could live long, healthy lives. It is strategically designed to offer the feeling of independent living while providing support from our skilled caregivers. Proud to be family-owned and operated, Cornerstone Assisted Living's management team has more than 50 years of combined experience. We are recognized in the community as the best in the industry. In fact, it is that demonstrated love and compassion toward the elderly, which is why our team members stay so long. 

Life after COVID

The Cornerstone Assisted Living team is committed to keeping seniors engaged. With the year we had with COVID-19, we have made it our goal to take extra precautions to keep our residents safe. As our residents and staff are vaccinated, we have now resumed our daily fun activities. Our activities include game nights, daily music activities, exercise sessions, country rides for a scenic tour. Our executive chef's meals are freshly prepared daily, and now residents can dine with us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner or choose to have meals sent to their room. 

Our caregiver team works as one cohesive unit to provide the best care possible throughout the pandemic. We continue to try to find ways to thank them for all their efforts, including small gestures such as having a taco truck come monthly and let residents nominate caregivers who are going above and beyond! 

To learn more about this amazing community or take a virtual tour, click here.


Common misconceptions about senior care, DEBUNKED


How do we ensure quality and continuity of care?